How To Combat Calcium Deficiency? – IMMUNOSCIENCES
How To Combat Calcium Deficiency?

How To Combat Calcium Deficiency?

Countless people use calcium supplements in an effort to fortify their bones. Who should use calcium supplements, the advantages to their health, and many minute details are all covered in this article.

Importance of Calcium in our body

Calcium is required by your body to create and maintain healthy bones. Your bones and teeth contain about 99% of the calcium in your body.

In the circulation, it’s utilised to deliver nerve messages, produce hormones like insulin and govern how muscles and blood vessels contract and dilate. Because it is crucial, your body will remove it from your teeth and skeleton to utilise elsewhere if you don't get the necessary amount through your food, weakening your bones.

Daily Calcium Requirements

The Institute of Medicine's most recent recommendations are shown here, organised by age.

  • Women under 50 should take 1,000 mg each day.
  • Men aged 70 and under: 1,000 mg daily
  • 1,200 mg per day for women over 50.
  • 1,200 mg per day for men over 70.

Additionally, there are advised higher consumption limits for calcium. Individuals under the age of 50 are limited to 2,500 mg per day, while adults over 50 are limited to 2,000 mg per day. You may be able to obtain enough through your diet. Dairy products, certain leafy greens, almonds, beans, and tofu are foods that contain it.


Calcium helps your body create strong bones, transmit nerve signals, and contract muscles. While it is possible to consume enough of it through diet alone, certain individuals may require supplements.

Should You Consume Calcium Supplements?

Insufficient calcium consumption causes your body to withdraw calcium from your bones, weakening and brittlening them. Osteoporosis may occur from this.

Many doctors advise women to take calcium supplements because they are more likely to develop osteoporosis than males, especially after menopause.

Older women are far more likely to take calcium supplements as a result. If your diet does not provide you with the appropriate quantity, supplements might assist make up the difference.

If any of the following apply to you: 

  • You consume vegan food.
  • Eat a diet heavy in salt or protein, since these foods may lead your body to excrete more calcium.
  • have a medical condition, such as Crohn's disease or inflammatory bowel illness, that prevents your body from absorbing calcium.
  • are receiving long-term treatment with corticosteroids.
  • Having osteoporosis.


Women who have achieved menopause and those who do not get enough calcium through diet may benefit from calcium supplements.

What are the Benefits of Calcium Supplements?

There may be a number of health advantages to calcium supplementation


  • Preventing bone loss

  • Women lose bone mass after menopause as a result of a drop in oestrogen.

    Luckily, vitamins might be useful. According to a number of studies, postmenopausal women may see a 1-2% reduction in bone loss by taking calcium supplements, typically 1,000 mg per day. The impact appears to be highest among women who consume little calcium and in the first two years after starting to take supplements.

    Additionally, consuming higher dosages doesn't appear to provide any extra benefits.

  • Fat Loss
  • A high body mass index (BMI) and a high body fat percentage have been linked in studies with insufficient calcium consumption. In 2016, researchers looked at the outcomes of providing obese and overweight college students with very low calcium intakes with a daily 600-mg calcium supplement.

    According to the study, those who received a supplement with 600 mg of calcium and 125 IUs of vitamin D while on a calorie-restricted diet lost more body fat than those who did not. Taking vitamin D together with calcium is frequently advised as it enhances calcium absorption.

  • Lower the Risk of Colon Cancer

  • Calcium from dairy products and supplements may reduce the incidence of colon cancer, according to a significant study. 

  • Improves Metabolic Markers
  • Numerous studies have shown that taking calcium supplements, particularly when combined with vitamin D, may enhance metabolic indicators.

    42 pregnant women who participated in a 2016 research used calcium and vitamin D supplements. Their blood pressure and inflammatory indicators were among the metabolic parameters that improved.

    According to further study, children whose moms took calcium supplements during pregnancy had lower blood pressure at age seven than kids whose mothers did not. A calcium and vitamin D supplement or a placebo tablet was given to more than 100 overweight, vitamin D-deficient women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in a recent research.

    The levels of triglycerides, insulin, and inflammatory indicators all improved in those who took the supplement. However, other investigations have revealed no modifications in the metabolic profiles of dieters who took calcium and vitamin D supplementation.


    A decreased incidence of colon cancer and blood pressure, as well as fat reduction and improvements in bone density, have all been related in studies to calcium supplementation.

    How much calcium do you must consume?

    In order to acquire the daily recommended amount of calcium, you may need to take calcium supplements. Recall that 1,000 mg per day is the amount for most adults, and that it rises to 1,200 mg per day for men and women over 50. Thus, if your daily requirement is 1,000 mg but you often only get 500 mg through meals, you can take one 500-mg supplement each day. However, pick your dosage carefully. Problems might arise if you consume more calcium than you require.

    Common Calcium Sources

    It is preferable to obtain nutrients through food as opposed to supplements.

    However, if you believe your diet is lacking in calcium, think about consuming more of these foods:

    • Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt
    • salmon or sardines in cans that have bones
    • Several leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, and collard greens
    • Tofu 
    • lentils and beans
    • Enhanced foods and beverages


    All the calcium you require each day can be found in food. Yoghurt, some leafy greens, tofu, and tinned salmon are among the foods high in calcium.


    Both individuals at risk for osteoporosis and those who don't get enough calcium in their diets can benefit from calcium supplements.

    It is unclear how calcium supplements and heart disease are related, despite some data to the contrary.

    However, it is well recognised that consuming more calcium than is advised from any source may increase your risk of kidney stones. Although calcium supplements are generally safe in moderation, food is still the greatest source of calcium. Make an effort to include a range of calcium-rich foods, including non-dairy sources, in your diet.


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